Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Hungry Years

I'm a college freshman. I think these are the beginning of my hungry years. I'm always hungry, but never seem to be able to afford food.

I eat sunflower seeds a lot.

I know it will be worth it in the end, though.

Friday, February 6, 2009

I had a nice day!

Today was a good day.

I went to a music theory colloquium. It was actually very interesting. We learned about how the brain processes music.

My best friend, Levi, came and picked me up at school. We went out for lunch, and I had the best salad.

Tonight my sister and I went to dad's house. He made us dinner, and we watched movies. It was very fun. : )

Oh, and the theory exam went well today.

All in all, a very nice day.